So much space and nothing to say




          // Use rendezvous hashing to place players
          // in an even (or weighted) number of pools


          import murmurhash from 'murmurhash';

          function hashToUnitInterval(s: string): number {
          return (murmurhash.v3(s) + 1) / 2**32

          class Pool {
          name: string;
          weight: number;

          computeWeightedScore(key: string) {
          const score = hashToUnitInterval(`${}: ${key}`);
          const log_score = 1.0 / -Math.log(score);
          return this.weight * log_score;

          constructor(name: string, weight: number) {
 = name;
          this.weight = weight;

          function determinePool(pools: Pool[], key: string) {
          return pools.sort((pool1, pool2) =>
          pool1.computeWeightedScore(key) > pool2.computeWeightedScore(key)
          ? 1 : pool1.computeWeightedScore(key) === pool2.computeWeightedScore(key)
          ? 0 : -1
          )[pools.length - 1];

          const threePools = [
          new Pool('pool1', 10),
          new Pool('pool2', 10),
          new Pool('pool3', 10)

          const threeWeightedPools = [
          new Pool('pool1', 100),
          new Pool('pool2', 50),
          new Pool('pool3', 5)

          const sixPools = [
          new Pool('pool1', 100),
          new Pool('pool2', 100),
          new Pool('pool3', 100),
          new Pool('pool4', 100),
          new Pool('pool5', 100),
          new Pool('pool6', 100),

          const players = Array.from((new Array(10000)).keys());

          const threePoolsCounts: Record = { pool1: 0, pool2: 0, pool3: 0 };
          const threePoolsPlayers = players
          .map((player) => determinePool(threePools, player.toString()));
          threePoolsPlayers.forEach(player => threePoolsCounts[] += 1);

          const threeWeightedPoolsCounts: Record = { pool1: 0, pool2: 0, pool3: 0 };
          const threeWeightedPoolsPlayers = players
          .map((player) => determinePool(threeWeightedPools, player.toString()));
          threeWeightedPoolsPlayers.forEach(player => threeWeightedPoolsCounts[] += 1);

          const sixPoolsCounts: Record = { pool1: 0, pool2: 0, pool3: 0, pool4: 0, pool5: 0, pool6: 0 };
          const sixPoolsPlayers = => determinePool(sixPools, player.toString()))
          sixPoolsPlayers.forEach(player => sixPoolsCounts[] += 1);

          console.log('three evenly weighted pools:', threePoolsCounts);
          console.log('three weighted pools:       ', threeWeightedPoolsCounts);
          console.log('six evenly weighted pools:  ', sixPoolsCounts);